As the year draws to a close, on behalf of the WA Division Council and Team, I extend a genuine thank you to our 4400 members here in Western Australia for their engagement and commitment over the past year.
As the year draws to a close, on behalf of the WA Division Council and Team, I extend a genuine thank you to our 4400 members here in Western Australia for their engagement and commitment over the past year.
After what many would describe as a challenging year in governance across many sectors, the AICD vision and mission are more important now than they have ever been.
Vision - To strengthen society through world-class governance.
Mission - To be the independent and trusted voice of governance, building the capability of a community of leaders for the benefit of society.
The expansive list of governance themes keeping Directors awake at night include regulatory change, modern slavery, whistleblowing, climate change, renumeration challenges, innovation agendas, changing WHS laws in WA and in our NFP sector - consumer directed care; all highlight an increasingly complex agenda.
In 2020, we will deliver courses, programs and advocacy that will support you to stay up to date with the most contemporary thinking and practice.
Our new year program is already well developed and again we will attract some of the finest minds to tackle important governance issues.
Our range of short courses and learning pathways are important to keep your skills sharp and include specialisations Governing to Protect Vulnerable People and Cyber for Directors.
If you are one of our Graduates seeking a refresher, consider the CDC Update – a two-day condensed program ensuring your governance skills are contemporary. Boardroom Mastery presents a unique opportunity to finesse your governance skills to the highest level with a newly launched program in 2020.
I’m delighted to share we are launching an exciting new program in 2020 - SME Governance Program to unlock the value in your business.
Our flagship series will start with the highly anticipated 44th Annual Rottnest Forum in March with Elizabeth Bryan FAICD joining us to explore ‘New expectations: embracing the future of directing’. Elizabeth is the Chair of Virgin Australia and insurance group IAG. This is a favourite on our annual calendar, so I encourage you to reserve your place early.
In June, we return with the 3rd Biggest Boardroom Lunch, which gives you a bird’s eye view into a ‘mock’ boardroom with some of our senior Directors, Diane Smith Gander FAICD will take up the reigns as Chair. We encourage your board to use this as their professional development and hear themes that are topical in boardrooms around the country and continue the discussion on your agendas.
But of course, between these flagship events there is a rich array of informative Director events through our series including our Fellows Program, the West End Series which will be curated by Bronwyn Barnes GAICD in 2020, and Director Downloads and Briefings.
Before the new year arrives, enjoy some relaxation with loved ones over the festive season. The AICD team and I wish you all the very best for a prosperous 2020.
Best Wishes
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