This year, as Australia continued to rebuild and recover from the pandemic and as cyber attacks dominated the news headlines, cyber security was a hot topic amongst AICD members, alongside CEO succession planning, the Directors’ Best Interests Duty, dysfunctional board culture, chair roles, megatrends for 2023 and Director ID numbers. Our new AICD CEO and Managing Director Mark Rigotti MAICD was also a popular figure in our reading list. We bring you the must-read AICD articles for 2022.
Cyber Security Governance Principles
Our most-read article of the year shows how the Cyber Security Governance Principles, jointly produced by the AICD and the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre, enable directors of all sizes of organisations to ask the right questions of management, spot red flags in how cyber security risk is managed, promote a culture of cyber security resilience and prepare and respond effectively to significant incidents.

New research finds gaps in cyber insurance
A new report commissioned by the Actuaries Institute calls on government, business and insurer groups to address insurance gaps in protection against cyberattacks.

Director ID numbers are here
Director Identification Numbers (Director IDs) are now here. We take a look at what directors need to know about Director IDs, when they can apply and why they are required.

Seven megatrends for 2023 – future tense
As directors approach the year ahead, long-term strategic foresight work from CSIRO has identified seven megatrends to help inform how their organisations think about risk and opportunity.

How to get CEO succession planning right
This AICD director tool provides guidance on effective CEO succession principles and frameworks. It identifies four CEO mandates that may be adapted to any industry, sector or size of organisation.

Boardroom Mastery - How to avoid dysfunctional board culture
Board culture has a powerful influence on the relationship a board develops with management and its approach to governance. Organisational psychologists at Change Focus identify four common cultures we see in boardrooms and provide pointers on how to diagnose the dysfunctional ones.

Meet Mark Rigotti MAICD
Mark Rigotti MAICD succeeded Angus Armour FAICD this year as AICD CEO and managing director. He came to the role having recently retired as a partner from law firm Herbert Smith Freehills, where he held senior leadership roles, most notably as global CEO 2014–20.

Directors Best Interests Duty in Practice
A new legal opinion and practice statement from Bret Walker AO SC and Gerald Ng MAICD provides greater clarity around the Directors Best Interests Duty, to act in good faith in the best interests of the corporation.

Do you want to be chair?
The skills required of a chair are changing. The organisations they oversee are operating in an environment of rapid change, which features technological and supply chain disruption and new competitive threats. Several chairs appointed in recent years reflect on the evolution of expectations and how to adapt and apply their skills.

10 tips for charity directors
Good governance must meet recommendations outlined in the ACNC Governance Standards, to guide boards and leaders of organisations in deciding how to govern their charity, says Australian National Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) Acting Commissioner Deborah Jenkins, who also outlines top tips for NFP board members.

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