A reminder of some of the main features of our Director Professional Development program.
We would like to remind you of some features of our Director Professional Development (DPD) system to help you to understand how you can accrue, record or check your DPD unit status.
The good news is that you are likely to have already accrued DPD units even if you cannot see them yet in the My-DPD units section of our website.
Even if you have not undertaken any of our activities, you will most likely have been strengthening your expertise in other ways. We suggest you take a moment to record your activities either using our tool or through another method so you do not forget any qualifying activities.
What Counts for DPD?
A good place to start thinking about whether your activities are DPD is to reflect on your contribution to the improvement of director and board practice and/or organisational performance, by referring to the Company Directors Corporate Governance Framework™ which sums up the skills, attributes and expertise that comprise good director practice.
Examples of activities for DPD include:
- Professional reading.
- Participating in briefings (including those offered through another organisation).
- Seeking advice from experts and experienced peers.
- Attending formal learning opportunities including online learning, courses and programs (also offered by providers of appropriate standing).
- Contributing to director development and improved governance through sharing expertise and experience as a presenter, writer or mentor.
Other Activities
Professional development activities that you engage in for another industry or profession may be counted for DPD. We simply ask you to ensure that these relate to the director and/or governance space (see the framework on our website).
DPD Unit Records
The member area of our website, MySite, will show a record of the units you have accrued through Company Directors’ activities. You can also log other activities you undertake using this online tool.
Alternatively, you are welcome to keep a record of other activities that you would like to count towards your DPD requirements in any format you choose.
Audit Process
To maintain integrity of the DPD system, please note, a small number of eligible members will be audited from 2016. We ask that you have some evidence of how you have accrued your DPD units available in case you are selected as part of the random audit process.
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