Graduates listed by state
Australian Capital Territory
Philip Flood AO FAICD - Chairman, Australia Indonesia Institute
Stephen Kinloch GAICD - Army Headquarters, Department of Defence
Linda Powell GAICD - Assistant Secretary-Community Branch, Dept of Family & Community Services
Anthony Robinson GAICD - General Manager, AGSO-Geoscience Australia
Hugh Saddler FAICD - Managing Director, Energies Strategies
New South Wales
Graeme Adams FAICD - General Manager, Product & Underwriting IMA
Ingrid Aitken GAICD - Director, UNICEF Australia
Maureen Ayers FAICD - Director, Blue Rusalka
John Bastian FAICD - Company Director
Ian Brown FAICD - Managing Director, One Design Consulting
Peter Dawson GAICD - Director, HMD Communications
Cathy Doyle GAICD - GM, HR & Strategy, NRMA
Michael Flannery FAICD - Director, Flannery Management
Louise Fleck GAICD - Research Development Coordinator & Contacts Manager, University of Western Sydney
Mark Holden GAICD - Finance Director, Couriers Please
David Hughes FAICD - Director, ISFM Projects
Angela Hurst GAICD - Assistant Company Secretary, Collex
Scott N Mitchell GAICD - Managing Director, Sumitomo Chemical Australia
Rebecca Murray FAICD - Principal Consultant, The Streamline Group
Anne Norman GAICD - Director, Elcom Credit Union
Ross Pendlebury FAICD - Company Secretary, Anglican Retirement Villages
Frank Piovesan GAICD - Senior Executive - Business Customers, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Philip Pogson GAICD - Director, The Leading Partnership
John Rakic FAICD - Managing Director, Lorient Australia
Gregory Reid GAICD - Chief Technical Officer, BSA
Saba Retnasaba GAICD - Manager, Corporate Finance Energy Australia
Karl Rodrigues GAICD - Strategic Investment Manager, Intel Australia
Adrienne Ryan GAICD - President, Royal Hospital for Women Foundation Board
Kathlyn Smart GAICD
Sally Snow FAICD - Senior Legal Consultant
Arlene Tansey FAICD - Director, ANZ Banking Group
Matthew Warwick-James GAICD - Consultant, Warwick James & Partners
Bruce Williamson FAICD - General Manager, Network Design & Construction
Thomas Yee GAICD - Company Secretary, Nepeal Group
Northern Territory
Roger Smith FAICD - General Manager, Primary Industry Dept of Business, Industry & Resource Development NT
Michael Dahl FAICD - Director Onetest Order of Merit
Ron Anderson FAICD - Managing Director, Hayes Knight
Suzanne Borden FAICD - Director, Evolve Marketing
Aaron Bourke FAICD - Senior Associate, Clayton Utz
Clint Ferndale FAICD - State Administration Manager, RSL (Qld Branch)
Frank Gedling FAICD - Managing Director, KG Contractors
Scott Guse GAICD - Senior Manager, KPMG
David Hamilton FAICD - Director, Farming Systems Institute
Peter Hughes FAICD - Managing Director, Hughes Consulting Services
Lyndon Llewellyn GAICD - Principal Research Scientist, Australian Institute of Marine Science
Stephen Porter FAICD - Department of Defence, Army
Bruce Poyser FAICD - Director, Ausnorth Challenge
Natasha Read GAICD - Business Administration Manager, Juniper Development Group
Adam Smith FAICD
Craig Wilson GAICD - Manager, Ipswich Waste Services, Ipswich City council
South Australia
William Aukett - Secretary/Public Officer, University of Adelaide Child Care Services
Paul Daniel FAICD - Director, Direct Fertilizer
Ric Gros FAICD - Managing Director, Dixon Minsup
Christine Hahn GAICD - Director, Carrara Vineyards
Yasmin King FAICD - Managing Director, Flexible Resource
Anthony Nancarrow FAICD - Executive Director, MediaCom Associates
David Purdie GAICD - Treasurer, Adelaide University Child Care Services
Geoffrey Rohrsheim GAICD - Managing Director, Strategic Data Management
Elizabeth Warhurst FAICD - Principal, Elizabeth Warhurst & Associates
Grant Warnes GAICD - Business Development Manager, Playford Capital
Kevin Wisdom-Hill FAICD - Executive Officer, A.C.E. Division of General Practice
Jonathan Jones FAICD - General Manager, Tasmania University Union
Kate McQueeney GAICD - Senior Associate, Peter Worrall Lawyers
Kathryn Westwood GAICD - Manager Corporate Services & Secretary to the Board of Management, Hobart Water
Andrew Bailey GAICD - Contract Manager, Telstra Enterprise Services
Rupert Brown GAICD - General Manager-Research & Development, Adacel Simulation Learning
Matthew Bufardeci GAICD - Senior Investment Manager, National Australian Investment Capital
Douglas Coomes FAICD - CEO, Coomes Consulting Group
Ian Crook GAICD
Ross Johns FAICD - Director, ABB Grains
Mark Kuperholz FAICD - Director, VENCorp
Antoine Le Bon GAICD - Principal Consultant, Supply chain Solutions
Austin Ley GAICD - Manager Strategic Research, City of Melbourne
Jonathan Ling FAICD - Executive General Manager, Nylex Division, Austrim Nylex
David Lynch FAICD - Senior Executive
Deidre Missingham FAICD - Manager, Victoria Branch, Chartered Secretaries Australia
Stephen Nicholls FAICD - Chief Financial Officer, Stockford Limited
Graham O'Donnell - Managing Director-Asia Pacific, Automatic Data Processing
Grant Snibson FAICD - Director, Melbourne Excimer Laser
Western Australia
Elizabeth Bretnall GAICD - Manager, ANZ Banking Group
Mark Gooding GAICD - Managing Director, Navigant Consulting
Salvatore Sparta FAICD - Director, Frace
The purpose of this database is to provide a full-text record of all articles that have appeared in the CDJ since February 1997. It is aimed to assist in the research and reference process. The database has a full-text index and will enable articles to be easily retrieved.It should be noted that information contained in this database is in pre-publication format only - IT IS NOT THE FINAL PRINTED VERSION OF THE CDJ - therefore there might be slight discrepancies between the contents of this database and the printed CDJ.
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