Examine what it takes to govern through complexity and change at Australia’s largest annual gathering of business leaders and governance professionals.
Australian Governance Summit 2017
Following the outstanding success of the inaugural event, the 2017 Australian Governance Summit will focus on Directing in a Complex Environment and will explore governance beyond compliance: where governance is agile and deals with real-world complexity.
In 2017, delegates can choose from 16 different general and sector-specific sessions led by more than 40 of Australia’s leading authorities on governance and directorship. The Summit is also a great opportunity to network and engage with peers from across the country.
We are pleased to announce that Elizabeth Bryan AM FAICD will be opening the Summit. Bryan is one of Australia’s foremost corporate leaders, current chairman of Virgin Australia and IAG, and a director of Westpac Banking Corporation.
Her keynote address on the theme Directing in a Complex Environment will be followed by an exclusive, one-on-one interview with ABC Journalist, Walkley Award winner and Summit MC, Leigh Sales.
The annual Australian Governance Summit is a meeting of great governance minds. Join more than 1,000 like-minded professionals for the premier event on the governance calendar.
For more information visit the AICD Australian Governance Summit page.
Hiring and firing the CEO
The selection of the chief executive officer (CEO) is one of the most crucial decisions that will be made by a board. The ongoing relationship between a board and CEO – to whom many of the board’s accountabilities may be delegated – is also of fundamental importance. If a CEO is not performing to the standards expected by the board, questions around remuneration, incentives and termination may arise.
On 14 February 2017, the AICD will present The board’s role in hiring and firing the CEO, a webinar facilitated by Peter Abery FAICD. The webinar will cover key elements of the recruitment, management and cessation process, and has been specifically designed to provide directors with practical advice on navigating these complex decisions.
For more information visit the AICD Webinar page.
NFP director tools
Directors of not-for-profit (NFP) organisations consistently express concerns about financial sustainability, a lack of time and resources for strategic planning, performance measurement and relationships with government, according to the Australian Institute of Company Directors’ (AICD) 2016 NFP Governance and Performance Study.
To assist directors as they face these challenges, the AICD has developed a set of complimentary NFP Director Tools specifically targeted to address critical issues in NFP governance.
The first set of tools address the fundamentals of the role of the NFP board, including financial literacy and fundraising, as well as strategic planning, considerations for appointing a new director and drafting an audit committee charter. The AICD’s NFP team plans to release new tools quarterly to add to this initial roll out.
The tools will help boards to prioritise where to spend their time while also providing practical guidance on how to address key governance challenges facing NFPs.
To access the tools viait the AICD Director Tools page.
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