We ensure that directors are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of today’s governance landscape, says AICD CEO Mark Rigotti MAICD.
A core pillar of the AICD strategy is to be the independent and trusted voice of governance, driving positive change in public policy and board practice. As we look ahead to FY25, we remain dedicated to supporting directors with the knowledge and tools they need to uphold the highest standards of governance at their organisations. Feedback has been that practical tools based on thoughtful technical thinking help you to stay at the forefront of these contemporary governance issues.
Artificial intelligence
With the widespread interest, adoption, and further development of artificial intelligence (AI) in the past 18 months, the AICD has been refining its resources on this rapidly evolving governance topic. In this issue, we feature extracts from our new suite of guides for directors on AI, released by the AICD last month in partnership with the Human Technology Institute at the University of Technology Sydney. This will be supported by webinars and, in due course, specialist education. The AI suite is just one of several important resources the AICD has released in recent months.
Responding to member interest — What is coming up?
We have seen great interest from members in our work in so many fast-moving contemporary practice areas. Our work will continue to expand in FY25, informed by your feedback. Thank you.
Building on the success of the AI event we held in partnership with Microsoft earlier this year, with more than 1200 members in attendance, we will launch the inaugural Tech Governance Forum, scheduled to take place in 2025. This initiative will provide directors with critical insights into managing technological advancements and associated risks. The forum will cover key areas such as digital strategy and transformation, the governance of AI, cybersecurity, data privacy and the ethical implications of emerging technologies. It is modelled on our Climate Governance Forum.
Events | Policy & practice priorities |
Board Outlook Alliance | Cyber regulation that supports effective board oversight |
Climate Governance Forum | Policy settings reflect disclosure complexity |
Essential Director Update | Fit for purpose digital regulation supporting strong governance |
Australian Governance Summit | Long term, coordinated policy approach |
Tech Governance Forum |
Our Climate Governance Course, launched in February, quickly sold out, prompting us to expand availability. The third Climate Governance Forum, to be held in August, will feature leading experts and directors, and is set to be one of the largest events the AICD has ever hosted. Thank you for your support.
These new and expanded offerings will exist alongside the omnibus governance events AICD members know and love, including the upcoming Essential Director Update, the one-stop shop for governance developments over the year, to be delivered in 2024 by Christine Holman GAICD and Bruce Cowley FAICD, as well as the Australian Governance Summit, returning in March next year.
Our Policy Leadership team, led by Head of Policy Christian Gergis GAICD and GM Education and Policy Leadership Louise Petschler GAICD, has a busy schedule of new practice guides lined up for the start of the financial year. Look out for an updated version of the AICD-CSCRC Cyber Governance Principles, guidance on directors’ duties and corporate compliance, and a climate target-setting resource using the insurance sector as a case study.
This month, we are excited to announce a long-term strategic partnership that supports our commitment to enhancing the performance of boards and directors. BoardOutlook is a leading board eectiveness solution that will bring a powerful digital-first approach for the benefit of our director community. Our partnership will ensure that organisations of all sizes and sectors will have access to tools and data designed to take boards from good to great. To learn more about this innovative partnership please visit the AICD website and look out for a feature in the next issue of Company Director.
Equipping you
These initiatives underscore the AICD’s commitment to ensuring members are at the forefront of eective contemporary governance. By providing practical resources and expanding our educational offerings with the involvement of leading third-party enterprises, we ensure that directors are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of today’s governance landscape. We hope this combination of products and parties is a powerful combination for you.
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