Leading directors discuss the relationship between good governance and organisational performance

Friday, 12 December 2014


    Roundtable participants discuss the relationship between governance and organisational performance. Viewing governance as compliance is too narrow.

    Governance Leadership Centre roundtable discussion (October 2014): Comments on governance and organisational performance
    Australian Institute of Company Directors (video), October 2014

    In this video, roundtable participants discuss the relationship between governance and organisational performance. Some of the issues raised related to independent directors on boards, board diversity, separation of the CEO and Chairman roles, and organisational culture.

    The discussion demonstrates that viewing governance as compliance is too narrow. Peter Achterstraat AM FAICD points to research showing that “even from a bottom line, corporations that follow good governance tended to do better”. Yasmin Allen FAICD divides governance into what she describes as the “tools” (the compliance side) and the “tone” (culture of the organisation). She believes that the board “owns” the culture of the organisation, and it is through culture that boards can really drive value.

    Leading directors discuss the relationship between good governance and organisational performance5.48

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