Australian Capital Territory
Peter Cotterill GAICD Group General Manager Assets & Infrastructure Totalcare
Glenys Roper GAICD Chief Executive Office of Government Online
Julie Spencer GAICD Professional Development Manager RCNA
New South Wales
Lars Larsen GAICD Associate Credit Suisse First Boston Order of Merit
Melita Bagnall FAICD Administrator/Company Secretary St Catherines Aged Care Facility Bathurst
Richard Dinham FAICD Chairman Design Inc
Lynda Frost GAICD Director Companion Credit Union
Dianne Harvey FAICD Group Financial Controller Global Television
Susan Hocking FAICD Director Eurella Investments
John Morrison FAICD Chief Financial Officer Sydney Ports Corporation
Andrew Penfold FAICD Managing Director Penfold Precision Marketing
Russell Skelton GAICD Manager, Marketing & Trading Macquarie Generation
Bernard Town FAICD Director Jaicor Business Equipment
Lee Uebergang GAICD Managing Director Projects Plus Consultancy Group
New Zealand
Steven Boulton GAICD Chief Executive Powerco
Northern Territory
Margie Cole GAICD Assistant Registrar Northern Territory University
Bob Collins GAICD Chairman Kakadu Tourism
Daryl Ross GAICD Manager Ipswich Water Ipswich City Council Order of Merit
Peter Borrows FAICD Works Manager Ipswich City Council
Kathryn Campbell GAICD Business Manager Praxa
Peter Crossman GAICD Assistant Under Treasurer Queensland Treasury
Philips David GAICD Power Station Manager CS Energy
Michael Dalgleish FAICD Director Optima Physiotherapy & Massage
Robert Hodge FAICD Director RA & ZA Hodge Medical
Brett Mathieson FAICD Operations Manager MS Steel Buildings
Ray Miller FAICD Vice President Finance BHP Minerals - Steelmaking
Ron Mulder FAICD Director Business Development VMS International
Peter Sampson GAICD GM Operations & Maintenance SunWater
Tom Sandmann GAICD Councillor Logan City Council
Jeffrey Sims GAICD Operations Manager Pioneer Construction Materials
Ian Tait FAICD Managing Director Aviation Insurance Brokers of Australia
Mark Urquhart FAICD Director The TVS Partnership
Chris Woodhouse FAICD
Peter Wood FAICD Queensland Manager Engineering Walter Construction Group
South Australia
Julie Bailkie GAICD Director Thirsty Camel Productions
Vicki Brown GAICD Company Secretary ElectraNet SA
Hector Gordon GAICD Exploration & Production Manager Beach Petroleum
Kym Obst FAICD Director – Business Development Sentek
Peter Psaroulis GAICD Manager, Compliance ElectraNet SA
David Sherrah GAICD Manager – Business Development Empower International
E G Staunton GAICD Managing Director Finance & Commerce Prof (Aust)
Christine Dibley FAICD CEO Glenview Homes Order of Merit
Anthony Warnock FAICD GM Business Development Hydro Tasmania Order of Merit
Jane Bennett FAICD Production Manager Ashgrove Farm Cheese
Michael Bond FAICD President, Sports Council Tasmania University Union
Ray Chan GAICD Senior Research Officer GPOC
Christina Eid FAICD Assistant Director Dept of Treasury & Finance
Nell Fontyn GAICD Director Commercialisation & Finance Branch Tasmanian Treasury
Sara Gul GAICD B.O.M. Rep on the Executive Tasmania University Union
Graham Hughes FAICD Manager Rostrevor Hop Gardens
Peter Sexton FAICD Alderman Hobart City Council
Kylie Shanahan GAICD Postgraduate Council President Tasmania University Union
Caroline Walker GAICD Consultant Lachlan River Community Holdings
Stephen Worley GAICD General Manager Forest Solutions North Forests Products
Erika Wylie GAICD Administration Manager The Hobart Clinic
Richard Nunn GAICD Business Manager International AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Order of Merit
Christopher Clark GAICD Director National Saleyard Quality Assurance
Jeff Knight GAICD Business Group Manager BASF Australia
Western Australia
George Cameron-Dow FAICD Human Resources Manager Water Corporation
John Hodder FAICD CEO Bioprospect
Margaret Seares FAICD Chair Australian Council of the Arts
Kim Sevenson FAICD Principal Consultant Farmanco Management Consultants
Robert Sewell FAICD Chairman Grain Pool of WA
John Turney GAICD GM Engineering Development Homestake Gold of Australia
The purpose of this database is to provide a full-text record of all articles that have appeared in the CDJ since February 1997. It is aimed to assist in the research and reference process. The database has a full-text index and will enable articles to be easily retrieved.It should be noted that information contained in this database is in pre-publication format only - IT IS NOT THE FINAL PRINTED VERSION OF THE CDJ - therefore there might be slight discrepancies between the contents of this database and the printed CDJ.
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