Mission focuses on member services
The AICD mission is to be Australia's pre-eminent professional organisation for company directors through education, information and advocacy. This mission statement embraces the core roles of the organisation in providing services for members and the profession of directorship generally. Our objectives are: To meet the information and education needs of directors. We do this through sampling members' education needs and providing education courses that are contemporary and relevant to those needs. The Company Directors Course is a key example. We are also in the process of developing a number of advanced or specialised education programs. The Role of the Chairman and the CDC: Going Public programs are specialised courses in meeting particular members' education requirements. The Company Directors Conference has become recognised as the key business leaders' conference which focuses on future issues which will impact on the role of Australian businesses and the way in which directors can contribute to that process.
To promote excellence in director performance. The key thrust of many of the AICD activities, including the development and distribution of director-focussed publications, address this objective. The AICD publications Code of Conduct and Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Officers, provided to all members, seek to enhance the conduct, ethics and performance of directors. To provide a valued directors' network. This involves providing opportunities for members to meet and exchange views on key developments which will potentially impact on directors' activities. Our professional development activities also provide a range of opportunities for members to meet and be updated on new issues while at the same time providing networking opportunities to develop peer relationships. Links to overseas Institutes of Directors enables the organisation to benchmark our activities against our international peers. To attract and retain members through providing quality services and events. Our member advisory services, the State Division network, and the AICD website (www.companydirectors.com.au) provide focus points for members to gain access to the wide variety of information which is available on directors' roles, responsibilities and performance.
To be a successful advocate for director issues. As the pages of Company Director attest, we are very active in a wide range of fields in developing and advocating policy and position papers which present directors' views to governments, regulators and the community. The AICD policy committees (Law, Finance & Accounting, Environment, Tax & Economics) provide highly developed policy advice to the National Council to support our advocacy activities. To ensure that the AICD is a financially sound and caring organisation. The National Council operates as the board of the AICD and in this role it sets the strategic direction of the organisation and ensures that the resources are focussed on fulfilling the mission. Fundamental to the way in which the AICD operates is the invaluable contribution made by the many individuals who provide their skills and time voluntarily to enable the organisation to function effectively. The members of the National Council, State Division Councils and the Policy Committees serve to support the mission of the AICD and to ensure that the organisation remains responsive to members' needs. The staff of the AICD are all committed to ensure that the objectives are fully met and that the organisation's standing as the premier information network for Australia's business leaders is maintained and enhanced.
The purpose of this database is to provide a full-text record of all articles that have appeared in the CDJ since February 1997. It is aimed to assist in the research and reference process. The database has a full-text index and will enable articles to be easily retrieved.It should be noted that information contained in this database is in pre-publication format only - IT IS NOT THE FINAL PRINTED VERSION OF THE CDJ - therefore there might be slight discrepancies between the contents of this database and the printed CDJ.
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