Maria Palmer GAICD

Deputy Chair, Ballarat Community Health

Maria is an experienced Director and senior business leader with an extensive history of service and board work in the not-for-profit sector. She joined the board of BDNH group in 2013 and was Board Chair from 2015 through to 2017, helping formulate the merger and acquisition strategy and oversee the merger with Integrated Living.

In 2018 Maria joined the board of Ballarat Community Health, where
she is currently Deputy Chair & Quality of Care Chair. BCH delivers
impactful services that assist people in their health and wellbeing, with a
recent highlight being their pivotal role during the COVID-19 pandemic with
over 17,000 people vaccinated, 5,000 people tested and key COVID messages
delivered to the community via social media. During this time the organisation
adapted to a new model of operation to accommodate the rapidly shifting
healthcare landscape and continue delivering vital community services to
clients and look after staff through a continuously changing work environment.

Maria has 30 years’ experience in the Health Industry with the last 20 in
leadership roles in Digital Health. Currently Customer Services Manager at
Medtasker, she is responsible for program delivery of the Medtasker task
management platform to hospitals across Australia and New Zealand.

Until November 2021, Maria worked in leadership roles at Telstra Health and GE
Healthcare, overseeing delivery of digital solutions to health services across
Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa  and North America.  She
has worked with a wide range of not for profit Community and Aboriginal
Community Controlled health services on the strategic use and management of
digital technology as an enabler to deliver best practice health care.

Maria is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)
and holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Melbourne. 

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