Brendan Ryan is the Managing Director of boutique Advisory Firm Biocentric Partners Pty Ltd. Brendan founded the business in 2003 to provide Professional Business Consulting and Advisory Services to support and guide medium to large predominantly family-owned agrifood businesses pursuing growth and excellence. Brendan and his wife Deborah have early last year moved from Toowoomba to Yeppoon in coastal Central Queensland.
Brendan has a career that commenced in 1987 as an Accountant and Farm Management Advisor with Perth-based Chartered Accountants Bird Cameron. Before that, he graduated with a Business Degree in Rural Management from Queensland Agricultural College, now University of Queensland (Gatton). He has lived and worked extensively in Queensland and regional NSW, with projects in Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Hong Kong. His career has spanned Executive and Business Development roles and Directorships across a range of industries including Accounting and Business Advisory, Agribusiness, Banking and Finance, Retail, Information Technology and Sport Administration & Development (Rugby Union). Brendan currently serves on the Board of ACO Certification Limited, Australia’s largest Organic Industry Certifier, and has recently served as Chairman of the Queensland Division of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science (Ag Institute) and on the National Board. He is a member of Australian Organic Limited (formally Biological Farmers of Australia); the Australian Institute of Company Directors; and a number of other regional and professional associations.
During the past two years in particular, Brendan’s interests have rapidly consolidated around business Sustainability Strategy and the unfolding transformation of ESG from an investment/market reporting and analysis language to a comprehensive framework through which to lead positive change within organisations. This ESG focus is now extending to further transform agri-food supply chains that have already been on significant Quality Assurance journeys for a long time now. Brendan is particularly interested in the ESG strategies and systems that are rapidly evolving to authenticate genuine Sustainability behaviours within the organisation and supply chain, and the value propositions for business therein.
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