Cameron McLennan

Tasmanian Sustainability Strategy Project Manager, Department of Premier and Cabinet

Cameron has over 17 years’ experience in the Tasmanian State Service working in economic and social policy, regulatory reform, liquor and gaming regulation, and state taxation.

A graduate of the Public Sector Management Program, Cameron holds a Master of Arts in Public Sector Leadership and a Master of Business Administration, both from Griffith University. When Cameron commenced the MBA program in 2015, which has since been ranked the world’s leading MBA for sustainability, he observed a divergence of political and policy debate from the building momentum towards sustainability in the corporate world. This laid the foundations for Cameron’s developing personal commitment to slowly and incrementally influence the shift of mindset needed to tackle difficult sustainability challenges.

At Treasury, Cameron has been closely involved in shaping the direction of some key environmental policies and circular economy initiatives, providing economic policy advice and support to environment agencies and across the State Service. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cameron joined the Secretariat for the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council, contributing to shaping the environment and sustainability elements of the Council’s 2021 final report and the key recommendation that the Tasmanian Government develop a sustainable development vision and strategy for Tasmania.

Cameron is currently leading the work to develop Tasmania’s sustainability vision and strategy from within the Department of Premier and Cabinet, collaborating with diverse stakeholders across government, industry, academia, and community.

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