Phil is the CEO of Primary Health Tasmania, a non-government, not-for-profit organisation working to connect care and keep Tasmanians well and out of hospital. It was established under the Australian Government’s Primary Health Networks Program to support and enable a coordinated, primary care focused health system.
He has worked in the general practice and primary health care sector for more than 27 years at both program management and executive leadership levels and is well known to providers, government and system, policy and organisational administrators across the state and nationally.
In these roles he has led several transformative system and organisational reconfigurations and establishment of new and innovative services and solutions supporting the system and primary health providers to improve the health of Tasmanians.
He sees his current role working with providers and communities to build evidence, understanding and capacity to influence the changes to our health system that Tasmania needs. Working in complex system environments, especially in a small island state presents a myriad of challenges. Phil enjoys the opportunities to contribute to the development and evolution of a contemporary evidence base for sustainable system transformation, enabling the primary health sector to play a stronger role in a more balanced and sustainable health system.
Phil is a member of the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare Primary Health Advisory Committee, the Tasmanian Health Senate, and Premier’s Advisory Committees for Primary Care and Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, is also a member of the Tasmanian Data Linkage Management Committee and Chairs the national PHN Primary Health Insights (National Primary Care Data Warehousing and Analytics) steering committee.
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