Carolyn is the CEO of People Plus Science, an organisation that exists to provide leaders with better business insights to make better decisions.
Carolyn works with leaders and teams translating research from the fields of neuroscience and consumer behaviour into organisational strategies to drive better team performance and mitigate personal risks. Specifically providing psychological and psychosocial hazard assessments, customer and stakeholder engagement strategies and change management.
Carolyn is the researcher and publisher of the first Boardroom Psychological Safety Benchmark (Australia) and author of the book Legacy Leadership and researcher into the impacts of board psychological safety and organisational performance.
Carolyn is currently a board member of Clinical Assessor Home Care Pty Ltd, a Certified Chair and Fellow of the Australian Governance Institute and GAICD.
Carolyn is a board and organisational performance specialist working with Venture Capitalists, Shareholder Groups, Merger and Acquisitions teams, boards and CEOs.
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