Membership categories

We have six classes of membership to indicate your level of experience as a director. 


Be recognised as a director who stays ahead of what matters.

Our membership is comprised of a diverse community of leaders from various sectors and industries, with different professional backgrounds and experience.

Entry into each of the membership categories is dependent upon your experience and is at the discretion of the AICD.

  • Does not meet the extended requirements for becoming a 'Member' (MAICD)
  • Is a full-time student at an Australian Tertiary education Institution, or has a general interest in our work

The mandatory Director Professional Development (DPD) requirement does not apply for this class of membership.

To be eligible for the 'Member' class, you must have at least two (2) or more years’ experience as:

  • A director or alternate director of a company;
  • A senior executive with managerial responsibilities equivalent to those of an executive director;
  • A partner or sole proprietor of a professional practice or unincorporated business;
  • A member of local Boards of Advice of companies;
  • Academic personnel at the level of, or equivalent to, professor; or
  • Senior person with professional qualifications employed by a body corporate.

To be eligible to renew membership of the Institute into the class of Member, an existing Member must fulfil the mandatory DPD requirement.

To be eligible for the 'Graduate Member' class, you must have successfully completed the Company Directors Course.

To be eligible to renew membership of the Institute into the class of Graduate Member, an existing Graduate Member must fulfil the mandatory DPD requirement.

In general, admission as a Fellow of the Institute is by application or invitation only. Application for admission as a Fellow must be made to the Institute (in the manner set out by the Membership Application, Renewal and Status Guidelines (Guidelines), including the Institute Fellow Status Guidance Note) for consideration by the relevant Division Council. Subject to clauses 5(b)(i), 5(b)(ii) and 5(c) of the Guidelines, the relevant Division Council will determine an application for admission as a Fellow. Any determination is final and not subject to review.

By application

In the case of admission by application, the relevant Division Council considers the applicant satisfies the following criteria (set out in Schedule 1 of the Guidelines) as at the date of the application or determination (as the case may be):

  • has been a member of the Institute for at least the last three consecutive years; and
  • has provided references from three current Fellows of the Institute; and
  • has been a director on the board of an Eligible Organisation and/or a Senior Government Official of a Significant Government Entity for a minimum of either:

    Six years as follows:

    • in one role for a minimum of six years consecutive years; or
    • within an eight year period, in one role for a minimum of three consecutive years and a second role for the balance of six years,

    and has successfully passed the Institute’s Company Directors Course assessment, the Boardroom Mastery course or its former Mastering the Boardroom assessment;


    Ten years as follows:

    • within a twelve year period, in one role for a minimum of six consecutive years and a second role for a minimum of three consecutive years; or
    • within a twelve year period, in one role for a minimum of six consecutive years, in a second role for a minimum of two consecutive years and in a third role for a minimum of one year;


  • has, in the opinion of the Board, or its delegate (including a Division Council), having regard to the information in the application (including supporting material submitted) and any other relevant considerations, the requisite knowledge, experience, good standing and professionalism befitting a member holding the status of Fellow; and
  • demonstrates satisfaction of the mandatory DPD requirement.

By invitation

The Board of Directors may at any time, by resolution, invite a person to transfer to the status of Fellow on the grounds that the person has, in the opinion of the Board or its delegate, the requisite knowledge, experience, good standing and professionalism befitting a member holding the status of Fellow.

Renewal of membership

To be eligible to renew membership as a Fellow of the Institute, a Fellow applying for renewal must comply with clause 3 of the Guidelines, which includes demonstrating satisfaction of the mandatory DPD requirement and paying any applicable annual membership fee.

The Institute may offer the class of Retired Member to any member who has been a member in any class of the Institute. A Retired Member must:

  • have been a member of the Institute (or any of its predecessor bodies) for at least five consecutive years and be a current member of the Institute;
  • have relinquished all directorships and offices (other than ‘non-trading’ family investment companies or unpaid directorships e.g. directorships of charities or educational institutions).
  • A Retired Member must comply with the admission requirements in rule 4.2(b) of the Constitution and, in the case of an existing member, in submitting a membership renewal or transfer application specify a desire to be transferred to or remain with the status of Retired Member.

A Retired Member does not need to satisfy any ongoing criteria other than those required to retain membership under the Constitution.

If people know I’m a member of the AICD they immediately know I’m committed to good governance, good strategy, good risk management and good people management.

Peter Achterstraat AM FAICD (Life)
Member since 2011
Peter Achterstraat AM FAICD (Life), Member since 2011


Demonstrate your commitment to good governance.

AICD membership is designed to guide and empower you with a wealth of resources, so you can reach your full potential.

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